Basil, Columnar

///Basil, Columnar

Basil, Columnar


Out of stock

Light Requirements

Full Sun, Partial Shade


up to 3'


Annual, Should survive winters in 9,10 and 11

Out of stock



The scientific name is Ocimum basilicum var. (Columnar Basil) and is also known as Greek Basil. Columnar Basil is strongly aromatic. It has a stately columnar appearance with lush green leaves. It is an excellent herb for pesto. Can grow up to 3′ tall and 12-18″ wide giving a stately columnar appearance. When growing in a container the bigger the container the larger it will grow. Flowers rarely appear so most of the energy can go into producing wonderful tasteful leaves that will knock your socks off. (be sure to have your shoes off at time of tasting!)

Additional information

Light Requirements

Full Sun, Partial Shade


up to 3'


Annual, Should survive winters in 9,10 and 11


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